About Us
Our Post meets the first Monday of every month (except July and
December) at our Post Home (5703 Vogue Rd, Fairfax Station, VA
22039). Dinner is served from 6-7, followed by a short informative
presentation by a subject matter expert. The business meeting follows and
lasts approximately one hour. We do not have a bar, canteen, or rental hall,
but devote ourselves to serving veterans’ needs. We actively provide
financial assistance and support to the following activities and organization:
Voice of Democracy
Patriots Pen
Teacher of Year
JROTC and Civil Air Patrol Cadet Recognition
VA Hospital Visits
Armed Forces Retirement Homes
Fairfax Fall Festival
Fairfax July 4th Parade
Fairfax Memorial Day
Fairfax Veterans Day
Cub Scouting
Various Non-Profits that Support Veterans
We encourage everyone to enjoy fellowship with our members meeting.